
Sometimes you gotta just leave Shroedinger alone.

Some places sell repros for just about every part imaginable, at least for the popular classic cars. But yep any “barn” find will need pretty much need a frame-off restoration and every bushing, seal, gasket, etc. replaced. They just dry out and crumble after sitting for decades, even if the car at first glance doesn’t

I feel like there’s an archivist, art restorer, or Dead Sea Scroll technician somewhere in the world that could get those apart.

You got me with the headline. I assumed “ends in tragedy” meant the card opening somehow killed/injured someone. 

The article title mentioned “ends in tragedy”, and I immediately assumed someone died. I’m glad that’s not the case.

Nintendo , always with the Good fellas school of business relations .

‘”They don’t make ‘em like they used to...thankfully, in this case.”’

You’re likely wrong. These were, essentially, heavy pieces of paper with no protective coating held tightly together with thin cellophane in thin cardboard boxes. Unless stored in a temperature-controlled environment, 60+ years is just too long. I don't think his description of them being fused into blocks is an

that title.. made me hope..

God, I miss old video game advertisements. 

all that seal meant was that the developer paid nintendo the expensive licensing fee in order to publish their game for the nintendo.

there were a few developers that voided this, illegally selling their games as third party to rental stores and what not, and you could always tell them apart because the cartridge was

I was expecting him to find some fakes and then go murder the seller.

That seal of quality was a crock of shit.

The dramatist in me hoped that as soon as the package opened, the cards would turn to dust and fade into the wind.

That headline made me think that they’d exploded in someone’s face or something. Or like their dog at them and died from 70 year old card poison.

They don’t make ‘em like they used to...thankfully, in this case.

Did you play any of the games? Lenora is married and has kids. Koga, Drayden and Blaine are all middle aged men. If you think these are kids you need glasses.

Brock is actually supposed to be 18 or 19 or even older I believe. I know in the show they dropped his age to make him fit in more with Ash and Misty, but I’m pretty sure he’s legally an adult in the games... I could be wrong, so don’t hold me to it.

Having had a quick look through Bulbabedias list of Gym leaders... I’d say maybe 20% of the gym leaders are kids? Maybe?

Especially in the later games it’s much rarer for kid Gym leaders.

For the most part the Gym leaders are 18+.

I think you’ve mixed up the challengers with the Gym leaders, as the Gym leader challenge

lil’ a kowtowing to the militant alt-right for the sake of anime and fun, right?