
And uh…when Spotify took off it destroyed the music business. I mean, it literally cut the annual revenue of the music business in half and it’s made it so people just don’t buy songs anymore.”

This is actually arguably another advantage to Gamepass (in regards to game sales)—You’re probably more likely to give a game a chance if it’s “free”, and if you get hooked, you’re also more likely to buy the game if it leaves GP before you finish it.

Yes, but that only works once. I believe you can’t continue doing the 1:1 conversion once you already have Ultimate.

It’s far more likely that people are tightening up discretionary spending thanks to out of control inflation. I know it’s not much per month, but if you’re like a lot of gamers out there you’re going to have a massive back catalog of games you own and haven’t played at all or only played for a few hours but you keep

It’s like people who complain there’s nothing on Netflix because nothing in the new releases catches their eye.