It is the very essence of privilege to think that we should be able to compliment or insult another person without our motivation automatically assumed to be racially motivated?
It is the very essence of privilege to think that we should be able to compliment or insult another person without our motivation automatically assumed to be racially motivated?
Watching this conversation unfold is truly depressing. It seems to me that we have reached a point where we are parsing every word and thought with the belief that we are card carrying members of the "I can spot racism police".
Oh please. Cut the shit. What do you want from me? What is the proper course of action here? For me to inject race into every single thing I do? For me to see Sherman and think "I can't criticize you or compliment you because it's racist. I'm white, therefore I literally cannot evaluate you as a human being"? Because…
Except I don't do it out of the ordinary. Your assumptions are what is part of the problem.
Thank you, Jezebel. I come here specifically to remind myself that there are other pro-choice women on the planet besides myself. Living in my conservative city/state/shithole is very lonely sometimes.
I would be more concerned with this stuff bunging up one's digestive tract.
Yeah, that bothers me every time I hear it.
REGARDLESS!!! 'Irregardless' is not a real word, regardless of how many times you have heard it.
Sigh. I'm not going to tell anyone she shouldn't call herself a feminist, or that she should. But I'm getting a little tired of this concept that feminism means nothing more than "supporting other women."
The women in the audience are giving an awful lot of shade and side-eye, and normally I would too, but Stodden's being pretty articulate here and making a decent case for herself in the video. And she's handling having some pretty shame-y questions and actions very well.
Can we please talk about how she pronounces the word "mri-ra-aw"?
Justin Timberlake has managed to stick it to Robin Thicke's entire career long before this video. I often wonder how angry Thicke is/was over Justin Timberlake. He must feel pretty awful that Timberlake stole his whole schtick with "Suit & Tie" and, to be honest, the rest of the 20/20 Experience.
Please. Every good conservative knows that vaginas *are* vulgar transmissions. Even the word "vagina" is too vulgar to be uttered in a public forum.
It's #14 on the original list linked above.
I was always the same way, until I tried Fage Greek yogurt. That shit is delicious. All other yogurt is crap.
That makes sense. Or it clarifies Ann Romney's comments about it. She was under the impression women didn't care about reproductive freedom; they cared more about paying down the deficit, a struggling economy, and getting government spending under control.
Yeah, really. It's sad but the only two really possible explanations are this is either a really well crafted publicity stunt, or he's totally sneaking off to strip clubs with campaign money.
Isn't it possible this guy goes to strip clubs and these strippers know him? I mean strippers came to the house? Odd.