
Man, I hope not. I have a Kin.

The Xbox is not a PC. If you want a mouse/keyboard, buy a PC. I think you'll find you'll be happier that way. The chatpad actually works really well, and it's only $20.

Who said she mixes audio? Maybe she's just an audiophile.

I think most of these were offered in the Steam Summer Sale for those prices. I know I got Walking Dead and Alan Wake for those prices, anyway.

Very true. Take a look at some arcade games that were ported to the NES: their arcade versions are noticeably superior in terms of graphics. Arcade game developers had the advantage of hardware tailor-made for their game, and the ability to use more expensive technology than what could be stuffed in a NES for $299.

60-70mph. We don't have an Autobahn, but Texas recently opened a stretch of road limited at 85mph, which I believe is the fastest in the US.

You can run your own MC server and turn authentication off. That's what I do.

Boot Drive: 30.3GB free of 232GB (predominately Steam games)

I was never too attached to Maya, or the spirit medium cases. And she's being replaced by a cute redhead? Awesome. Bye, Maya!

I think you're confusing Spotify with Napster or Grooveshark. Spotify's library comes directly from the music labels.

Avatar: The Last Airbender. It would make for a fantastic fighting game. Maybe an RPG if done exceptionally well?

THAT'S A REAL SUBREDDIT!? *subscribed*

Oh, please. You can figure out the Superbar in 15 minutes. I will concede on Libraries, though: they are rather confusing.

Dev kits usually do not look well-designed or expensive.

This is a 2D platformer game. No one needs a $1000+ gaming PC to play Fez.

@AnxiousLogic: I have a 1000RPM 120mm exhaust fan, 1000RPM 120mm intake fan, and 2nd 800RPM 120mm intake fan. Keeps it fairly cool, though a little toastier than a non-padded case.

Acoustic foam needs to be suggestion no. 1. It really does make a world of difference. I just built a PC with the Cooler Master Silencio 550 case, and when you open the front door (which has acoustic foam) you hear just how loud the fans are inside. The foam reduces the fan noise to a whisper.

Retcon time!

No NSFW warning? Really?

She was blond. She dyed her hair red a few months ago.