
Kadjar said that the PSN customer service rep informed him of the possibility of a ban.

Keep in mind that just because a board can run Linux, does not mean that it is Linux-friendly. I would advise against buying a board based on an Allwinner SoC, as Allwinner has repeatedly shown no regard for the FOSS community and has only racked up GPL violations with increasing frequency in the past couple years.

The new TMNT movie isn't from Michael Bay (although it certainly looks like it is.)

The new TMNT movie isn't from Michael Bay (although it certainly looks like it is.)

It was definitely a PC problem too. There were quite a few threads on the Steam Forums about save problems. I had save problems of my own when Episode 5 came out, but thankfully, it was just a problem of the game looking in the wrong place for my saves. A little copy and paste, and everything was fine.

Team Meat is Edmund McMillen and Tommy Refenes. Super Meat Boy was made by Team Meat (McMillen and Refenes.)

I try to keep my desktop fairly pristine. I do this by throwing just about everything in that folder at the bottom labeled 'hai'. By Windows's count, it's 3.3GB with 3,500 files.

Oh god. Mirror's Edge with a Rift. I would probably puke.

I believe it was initially given a 9.5/10, and then dropped to 4/10 after launch.

I saw all those numbers and dollar signs and assumed you were a spam bot at first glance.

You don't. You've achieved photorealism. The only way to go from there is to develop your own unique art style, like Borderlands.

Then you make games the same way you make an Oscar-winning movie. Write a damn good story, and make sure the gameplay and story flow together flawlessly.

I have 8GB in my gaming PC, with 2GB VRAM on the graphics card. Given that the PS4 is a more optimized system than my PC, in that there aren't a million background programs, 8GB unified RAM in the PS4 should do just fine.

The newer 360 headset, along with most of the licensed third-party headsets, don't use the bulky half-circle plug anymore.

Proprietary? The 360 headset jack is a standard 2.5mm TRS jack. A lot of cordless phones use the same jack. Granted, I've never tried to use a cordless phone headset, but I don't see why they wouldn't work.

A game with several gameplay/teaser videos, regular news updates, and an upcoming demo is vaporware, because they pushed the release date by one month? Really.

They are not required to support it. However, IE on WP8 works with Google Maps just fine. There is no need to put any effort into supporting IE on Windows Phone. They are intentionally blocking a competitor's browser despite the fact that it works. This is anti-competitive behavior.

Steam's problem is entirely unrelated.

The Telltale game is a completely new story with new characters that takes place prior to the storyline of the comic books and the TV show.

Less scrolling.