
Alan Wake is on Steam now, if you still want to play it. Its sequel, American Nightmare, will be on Steam soon.

I can deal with it. I'll be building an $800 BF3-capable PC in a couple weeks, and BF3 is pretty much the only multiplayer game I play on my 360 right now.

I am very seriously considering trading my 360 for a PS3, since the only 360 games I want are cross-platform, and the exclusive games I want are on the PS3. I honestly do not care about Kinect or your next Halo sequel, Microsoft.

What does The Chicago Code have to do with this?

Ethernet needs to stay. I understand removing it from the Air, because it won't fit the slim profile, but there's plenty of space for it on a MacBook Pro.

Learn how to use Hue/Saturation (aka color correction) in Photoshop next time ;)

K-Lite's thumbnail generator has never worked well for me.

But then the PS3 players with KB/mouse couldn't play with other PS3 players using gamepads. It would bisect the PS3 online community really badly.

PS3/360 play would work fine if MS/Sony got over their differences. Which will never happen.

Maybe PS3 vs 360, but the PC can't play with consoles. They tried that with Shadowrun, and the amateur PC players wiped the floor with the expert 360 players. For shooters, gamepads just can't compete with KB/mouse.

What the fuck is he vomiting?

Those royalties would cost even more than the DVD royalties.

Not to mention that uncompressed video will eat memory card space like a man who hasn't eaten in two weeks.

Yes, but Kemiko wants them to admit to a more egregious mistake.

Why are there abbreviations that spell real words? Are people stupid?

It's a one-time charge of $300, and most computers come with huge hard drives these days anyway.

Or you could buy a Ceton InfiniTV 4, stick a CableCARD in your PC, and record all you want without a $10/month fee.

The in-game Chell is definitely light-skinned, not even a bit of tan. Her facial features lean toward Asian, though I can't pinpoint why.

No. Disney Jane looks cute. Cartoon Chell's face is really off, and looks ugly.

I am shocked that so many people like the Galaxy Note. Do people really like 5.3-inch phones?