Sora Troianeko

my FC : 1547-5212-7143

Added you! :)

Added! 4253-3504-9280

FrootLoops 1521-3401-0786

Mine is 2964-8582-4635

FC 5086-1273-3698


i added you yay

added!! :D

Added! 1220-7283-8966

Added you!

Added you! 1762-2926-2906

I've added you and pretty much everyone else in the last three hours - 5172-0871-7319

Please add me too. It's 5129-1104-3105. Also adding people who commented before. Thanks!

Add me! 1332-8501-9508

Add me, JMonty, 0602-6464-1686

FC is 0903-2739-5412


Just as an update since this thread is getting a bit hard to read ,so who knows if this will even be noticed, and crazy here is a link to a Google document that has I believe a list of all the codes and usernames attached to them posted so far.

I added you, my code is 1736-1060-0506