Sora Troianeko

Added! Mine: 2938 6552 5813

Hi C.A.D. You have been added.

FC: 5172-0871-7319, I know I'm late to the game but I'll add as many people as possible. Please add me, need more Pokemon!!

I'm late to the party, here's my FC

Added 5429-7124-8038!

Feel free t add me, if you do please reply with your code so I can add you back!

Added! 5429-7124-8038

0318-7068-4616 Just added you, here is my code.



Please add me too

add me! 2836-0501-6094

—Added everyone on here my FC is 1418-7875-6163

Hello, I'm Mika. I added you. :)

My FC is: 3668 - 8401 - 7833.

Hello. I've added you.

I choose you, CTRL+ALT+DEFEAT!

Dude can you add me and ill add you when i get back from work. Thanks!

Added you. Mine's 2466-2740-9631

Added! FC: 1891-1714-5467

0404-6078-4734 is mine
I'll be adding a bunch of you guys later on, so go ahead and add me for now.