
This has nothing to do with free speech. These assholes don’t have a right to a job at a company that doesn’t want to employee them because they’re now a liability. The right to employment is not enshrined in the constitution. They weren’t maced, tear gassed, or shot with rubber bullets at their protest. The

Nazis and supporters of the Southern Confederate States get no rights. You can’t be an American and a Nazi. You can’t memorialize the Confederate rebels in a positive way and still be an American. We fought wars over both these things.

Well the people outing them are just practicing their free speech rights too.

If this is something you are willing to hear from me in person please call, or send me a note and I’ll call you.

Not just students, but their parents need to protest this. A few letters from parents to the board of regents saying they won’t let their kids go to school there will have more weight than the voices of the students.

You are correct, friend! From the Facebook post:

I can’t believe that he made an apology that was just as offensive as his initial email. I think that we just found Trump’s next Communications Director.

I’m mostly impressed that he managed to offend pretty much every single marginalized group: women, Jews, LGBTQ, etc. While it isn’t here, I’m sure dude has said a few things about POC, too.

Well Soldier 76 is... somebody’s dad, or something?

A Salt Rifle. A Dad joke if I’ve ever heard one.

Gods, I loved Banjo Kazooie despite the stupid characters and the collect-a-thon nature of the game, but damn, the difficulty of it drove me crazy sometimes. The game had some great levels and fantastic mood. The dynamic music helped immensely too.

The problem with satire pieces is we generally need to know it’s satire to laugh along with it. How many of us actually saw the original piece to know?

Ugh, I’ve tried so many products and I just can’t get my pubes to hold a curl! #straightpubeproblems

Just want to say you really want to avoid the slow clap. It’s known to be antibiotic resistant.

Wait. Is this a lark? Or is vaginal care really this intricate? I feel like this is a lark. Or maybe an infomercial. I haven’t decided yet.

Why aren’t there any links to the products? This is the worse sponsored ad ever.

I just use the Cooter line from Walmart. I think their liner in RimJob is almost an exact dupe for Mars Van Vooter’s Liquid Canvass.

I constantly have to shut down requests to open an artisinal bakery down there.

So, this is my industry, and I am (among other things) an actor of color, and let me tell you something. I know how money works (for the most part), I GET that one of the worst problems with Broadway is capitalism. But when I saw this picture, it was at the exact same time that I learned that Oak was replacing Groban,

The difference is Onaodowan replaced Groban after he was done with the show, his run was over. They didn’t let Onaodowan finish his nine week run, they cut it short by three weeks to replace him with Patinkin. If they had let Onaodowan finish out his run, it wouldn’t have been a big deal.