
It’s like it all just fell into your lap.

This is perfect, and you are perfect.


You know what they say, one man’s junk is another man’s treasure.

They already have and Emma Stone is first in line to play Rukundo. If she’s not available though, I think Rooney Mara is down.

My parents got a toaster like that as a wedding present in 1953. I inherited it when they died. I’ve had many new toasters over the years, but the old one keeps getting dragged into service every time one of the new ones dies (which is frequently).

When my grandmother passed in 1991, I took her ancient GE toaster. It still works perfectly. Mom and I have replaced the cord’s wiring and the plug - twice.


I assume the world is now beating a path to the Museum of Rural English Life’s door?

“There appears to be a dead mouse in this mousetrap which is not described as being there on the database.”

I need a couple of these. Since it’s gotten colder, it’s like I’ve got mice squatters I can’t get rid of. I tried those glue traps, but my goofy Chihuahua got one stuck to her butt, which was hysterical...until I had to spend 30 minutes detaching it from said butt.

I can’t believe she’d be the first one. How ass-backwards are we?

Oh, for sure it’ll be compared to Downs. Pro-lifers always act like a child with Down syndrome is a precious gift from God, and I’m sure Zika babies will be similarly fetishized by the pro-life movement.

Exactly— it’s all going to be about how callous women are being to the poor microcephalic babies, wanting to abort them and all.

The adults participate and/or egg the older students on. They think of it as harmless “horseplay” or “hazing”.

And then turn the lights off and just tell everybody to quit being rapists, guys, okay? We won’t stop at McDonalds if this continues!

I’m not arguing with your point… that’s a pretty fucked up policy.

Ugh, I hate to be that person but in most school districts the bus drivers are not allowed to intervene. The kids could straight up be murdering another kid-the driver will lose their job if they intervene. They can only report it and then the school normally does jack shit.

As we address the inappropriate behavior displayed by several students ...