This panel looks like it wandered out of Tank Girl.
This panel looks like it wandered out of Tank Girl.
or a fatberg.
then do-si-do and round about, and then you throw your partner out.
Thanks! Her original name was Sally, but I wanted something more suited to a Jellicle Cat, you know? And since piccalili is a type of pickle, her nickname works on 2 levels!
I’ve only had Piccalili for a month, so she hasn’t accumulated a lot of names yet. So far she’s also Pickle, Picklecat, Tinycat and Fluffo.
Breadsticks. For the mouth part of your face.
Can someone get me this for my Christmas present? Please?
But are they Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs?
I believe Garfield made the exact same observation a couple of decades ago.
Incidentally, I am totally into this engagement ring. I actually kept all my baby teeth and wisdom teeth. But I was a goth in the 90s and I’ve never grown out being morbid.
There was a discussion about hair wreaths on a halloween themed thread a few days ago:
I thought it was ‘wrack’, too, but I also knew that it was a variant of ‘wreckage’, like when people say ‘wrack and ruin’. I guess it’s only the second.
How did a water bear get into a hair wreath?
Yeah, of course it’s a girl, cos if it had been a boy he wouldn’t need dad’s help with SCIENCE /s
I know of people who play ‘clubbing’ with the same rules, except with club soda. One of them got clubbed at his own wedding when his bride hid a club soda in her garter.