Was ripping the heads off of infants such a problem in the 17th century that they had to put this in the disclaimer??
Was ripping the heads off of infants such a problem in the 17th century that they had to put this in the disclaimer??
I closed my OKCupid account a couple of years ago, but I've considered making a new one just to stipulate that I want to date guys who must be 5'7" and SHORTER. I'm 5'2" and I'd rather date a guy I could believably take on in a fight.
This sounds like a reality TV show I actually want to watch! What was it called and can I torrent it?
So THIS is what male armor in videogames would look like if they were equivalent to some of the current female armor designs? This needs to be a mod.
♪ Everything is awful
Charlotte Le Bon from The Hundred-Foot Journey is already cute but she also has the most adorable little snaggle tooth.
This article did not include instructions on how to short-sheet a bed. I am disappoint.
You should get ALL THE STARS for this.
What's the exchange rate on Zeni?
Strangely, the fact that the protagonist is a straight male white never comes up as a factor in why a game flops. But when a game flops and the lead is a woman, that's ALWAYS the main reason for the failure. Same logic goes for movies.
I hope you meant 'virile' as apposed to 'viral'. Otherwise your heroine might be looking at a nasty infection of some sort.
I haven't been keeping up to date with the '50 Shades of Green' crowdsourced, deliberately awful Cthulhurotica experiment that The Nostalgia Chick was making, but it looks like it's already finished. One of the goals was to see if they could get it published in earnest. Maybe you could get some pointers.
Wow, I haven't seen this in forever. I'm impressed that animated gifs of Mr. Humphries even exist!
Christopher Robin?
Is that a bunch of cherry tomatoes around her neck?
Yep, the first thing that castle reminded me of was the Crimson Permanent Assurance. I'm glad it's already been done.
This is one I learned from The Mother Earth News Almanac, which contains tips and instructions on how to do just about everything. It suggested that you install your bathtub with the faucet on the opposite side of the drain. So when you clean the tub, you can rinse it by turning on the water and the water will run…
So the URL is preserve.us? As in, 'Saints preserve us from this nincompoopery'?
You know how some places boast that they use every part of the pig except the oink? Pork honk is that part.