
When you said 'hammer', was that a noun or a verb?? SO CONFUEST

It seems like your character wasn't so much failing to understand what was happening, as being in intense denial and simply refusing to believe anything you told him about turning into a wererat.

That's exactly what I came here to say.

I'm at least a freshly baked Italian loaf from an actual Italian bakery, if not artisanal bread.

This is NOT what the phrase 'dick cheese' means. Even if it is only marginally less gross.

It's only a matter of time before China realizes they can use this as a model for apartment units. How many more people can we get to live in a building if their rooms were like this?

Intriguing. Three Milks?

I seem to recall it only did that once for each colour of rupee you picked up after you boot up the game. But I could be wrong.

I'm guessing that since this video came out, whatever amount there was before of scout/spy slashfic has probably doubled.

I don't know what this is but I want it.

I honestly can't understand how people tolerated wearing that much polyester, much less wore it on purpose. I can't stand the feel of the stuff on my skin. I've tried on some vintage clothes and they were always uniformly horribly uncomfortable.

Now playing

My fave Pomplamoose cover is still Mister Sandman.

I thought this story sounded familiar. Although Sooty only got it on with 24 ladies.

Now playing

I've almost finished playing through the whole series (currently available in North America, anyway) over the last week! I'm in the middle of Investigations right now. If they finally release AA5 on cartridge then I will finally buy a 3DS. Please please please sell well so they will give us Investigations 2, please

I've been trying to find a video of that performance for ages. I hear he nearly stole the show.

Holy crap I can't believe how far I had to scroll down to find Ron Perlman.

At first glance I thought your comment said 'did not have actual studs so they had to have douchebags dress up as ponies.'

'Cookies' are supposed to be those teardrop shaped foam pads you put in your bra for the same damn effect. You DON'T EAT them!

But does the groom's tux come with a giant plushie penis?