
Two Guild Wars 2 narrative designers, Jessica Price and Peter Fries, were fired after Jessica attacked a well-established community member for asking a questions, shouted sexism, and refused to back down. This led people to dig into her Twitter page and realize she frequently posts opinions that ArenaNet does not

The writers at Gizmodo and this whole operation have horrible opinions that they feel the need to shove down our throats and ruin otherwise half decent articles. I was just trying to recall at what point they decided they didn’t like Elon Musk, as every article they wrote for years was nothing but praise. Now they

Guy has money, material, smart cookies, and the ability to pretty much put anything he wants into motion.

And who did his actions hurt?  No one but your fragile ego, apparently.

dude, who hurt you, and which beastie boys tour tshirt were they wearing when they did it?

Counter-counter-point: And THAT sounds like a young hipster who’s convinced that everything old is out of touch and if he himself didn’t “discover” it, it has no value.
Reality check: This is a movie. It is a movie based on a character in a 40 year old movie. Just sit back and enjoy it. Or don’t- won’t miss you at the

You can dislike a person, that’s your prerogative. But attacking someone who made some pretty insensitive comments with even more racism and insensitivity doesn’t do much to help the narrative.

This feels really icky and exploitative regardless of his other work. Sorry. And, there is really no way to tell if it was this or something else on the application that got him accepted, and it’s many times more likely that it was something else.

My line is simple. I draw a sharp line between reality and fiction. When dealing with reality I, as everyone should, deal with morals and ethics and all of the things that are required to remain in good standing in society. Why, though, should I care what happens to a fictional character beyond whatever the plot