
You should also know that most companies that push into the Chinese markets get their IP ripped off.

shorting should be illegal unless it has some positive benefit...which I haven’t found...

Really impressive coverage.  I knew about the pilot and have seen various youtube’s of it.  This is quite the backstory though.

So now we’re are assigning responsibility of people in a merry-go-round? She did something wrong, she got fired. If the rest of the internet that is going around acting badly, it’s Arenanet’s fault?

You don’t understand the term “sea-lioning”

ya factorio first person...

I am a guy and pretty much only play female characters in WoW since vanilla and this has never happened to me...or in other games. I’m sure it happens knowing the internet. But I don’t think it’s prevalent.

*points* this guy can’t take a joke

I think it’s a fine idea to look at societies priorities. I think where your analysis fails is that you seem to ascribe capitalism to being negative and socialism to being positive. You’ve already decided, there was no reason for the game, other than to show people how socialism is right.

100% agree. Responsibility. You are responsible for yourself.

I was facepalming as I clicked the link as well. But was nice to see some moderate back and forth.

What a vapid and useless article...

I agree the title of the article is clickbait. And I hope the extensive list of the persons accomplishments was what got him in, not this. While I disagree with his activism. It’s nice seeing young people doing things other than consumerism.