
I get very excited about voting every single time. My husband thinks I’m crazy. I also wear my “I Voted” sticker around the house for the rest of the day.

I don’t feel good about Sanders as VP — I don’t think he has the temperament to be president. I am hoping for Elizabeth Warren.

I think that is pretty much exactly how it is going to play out.

I was plenty aggravated with Hillary in 2008. But as someone pointed out upthread, she bowed out on June 7, 2008. At this point she was not attacking Obama, and I don’t remember her vowing to take it all the way to the convention.

I’m not sure what you mean by “instantly,” but she turned him down two or three times before she finally accepted the nomination.

Not to mention there’s no secret ballot at caucuses. It drives me crazy that the Iowa caucus is so important to the presidential nomination.

My teenage son came up with a Hodor/Rhaegar theory last week and I told him he was insane. I'll have to let him know he isn't the only one!

I can't imagine Elizabeth ever defecting. Philip, maybe, but I don't really see it as the endgame.

Her parents were there, though, and it strains credulity a little to think that the doting parents of an only daughter wouldn't take so much as a snapshot at her wedding.

I felt really bad that Bud's party was ruined.

No, no, he also really likes alpha males who take the game super-seriously.

Rupert lost me in All-Stars when he built the underground shelter and nearly drowned his tribemates. But he's entertaining in season 7.

Eh, Michael got a good edit because of the fire thing, but he had a fairly abrasive personality and he'd already had run-ins with Kimmy and Alicia. I don't think he would have won once the other tribe had been eliminated. He could have been the Jerri of the season if it hadn't been for his medevac.

Season 16 is epic.

My hope is that someday, when Survivor finally ends (or Probst retires) they will do one more epic traveling back from the island sequence.

I agree it was really weird that the Jewish upbringing didn't come up at all — you'd think the last name alone would have prompted Krystle to at least ask about religion. You have to be pretty clueless to give a Jesus statuette to someone named Bergstein without asking any questions first.

I wonder if this episode would have worked better last season than this one — last season laid some groundwork for Frankie feeling insecure as a mother because she adopted instead of giving birth, but it hasn't been brought up at all this season.

The cop turning the phone around for her was the best part.

The first five seasons are great. It fell apart a little bit in the last two. (Well, and season 4 is a little rough. But there’s still a lot of good stuff.)

My fifteen-year-old son keeps saying, "I know I'm not the target demographic for this show. but I still really enjoy it."