
Hmmm….I would have said that the second season was more dramatic than the first, with the whole Vee arc. (And I think the nominations are actually for the second season.)

I really hope Moss does win. I'm still sad she didn't win for The Suitcase back in season 4.

Yeah, I would much rather have seen Kate Mulgrew get that slot.

I am so happy that Lisa Kudrow was nominated! But I'm disappointed to see nothing for The Americans or Jane the Virgin, even though I knew it was coming.

Even assuming that is true (I tend to think the truth is somewhere in the middle) it's much more likely that Amy would know Mathew Shepard as someone who was killed because he was gay than that she would know any of this. It makes sense as a character moment.

No, now the mini-sessions are at the same time as the regular camp. Even the kids staying for the whole summer have to go somewhere else during the four-day break between sessions.

The other thing that doesn’t make sense to me, though, is that all the reporting says that they’re going for two weeks. But the current session ends on the 17th and the camp is then closed until the 21st. So they could stay at most for one week before they have to go somewhere else, at least for a few days.

Tamarack is Jewish-affiliated, but it isn’t particularly religious outside of a few blessings on Friday nights. There aren’t any sermons or religious classes or anything like that.

I posted upthread. It’s a very nice camp — my kids have gone there for years and they love it. My understanding is that the father and the guardian ad litem picked it.

She sent them to Camp Tamarack, which is where my kids have gone every summer for years. It’s a very nice camp and the kids will be well cared for there. And my guess is a lot of their friends will be there as well. So I think it’s a decent decision.

They’re Israeli.

That's what I'm hoping.

You should totally watch Jane the Virgin. It is so much fun.

Stan had a couple of great scenes early in the season, but they really don't seem to be sure what they're doing with him.

That relief is going to go away as soon as she finds out that Cesar was arrested, though.

I just hope the old guards come back. My current theory is that with half the prison taking a dip in the lake, MCC will realize that Caputo was right about needing experienced, trained guards and allow at least some of them to come back at full-time pay with benefits.

Ah, well, I do think Nicky and Stella will still be in the cast. But I think if this was how they were bringing Nicky back we would have seen a glimpse of her on the bus. I guess we'll see next season.

But why would they move prisoners from max to camp when they could just add brand-new prisoners to both places? That's the part I'm having trouble with. They can still increase occupancy at both facilities. Moving prisoners from one facility to another doesn't buy them anything.

That doesn't make sense, though, because then they would be getting paid less for the prisoners who are moved from max to camp since they are no longer high-risk. It wouldn't actually make them more money.

I wondered about that, too, but then I thought — if Vince googled Morello, would he then realize that the guy he beat up was actually her victim? Or would he just assume that the whole situation was Christopher's fault and Morello somehow ended up in prison unjustly?