Slay.douché - (dreams to be a puppy)

Look, I was taught to dance with my feet planted firmly on the floor and my level of oscillation increasing gradually from there to my outstretched hands. Anything else is- well, it’s dance heresy.

Gary Fisher is who I want to be when I grow up.


Platinum is not working for Taylor Swift.

Battle Of The Waving Noodle Person Thingys Outside Of A Car Dealership

Taylor and Tom are the epitome of Try.

We do not whisker shame here.

Veronica would miss her shark bed.

There is a writer who has listed her cat as co-author of all of her books.

That’s her “pet me” look. She's a sweetie.

I look weird in pictures, but kinda ok in RL.

I always feel survivor takes on a different meaning in terms of child abuse (as someone who has also experienced it). Typically, the abuse isn’t a one-off event, it’s something sustained over years. You become a survivor like similarly to a POW: it’s something that you’ve managed to outlive, rather than an event

Would buy. Mostly because Veronica’s stare makes me think she will come after me if I don’t buy it.

  • When I sell my Seneca vampire book, I’m using my cat, Veronica’s, picture as my author’s picture. She’s very photogenic.

So what they are basically saying is that no matter how talented a writer you are, if you are not conventionally attractive, you are still going to have a much harder time getting published than if you were. Just like everything else in life.

Compare and contrast, baby!

The bus looks Argentine — should have known it was Miami! :)
