Slay.douché - (dreams to be a puppy)

Right. First they introduce “Gilroy” garlic fries to the rest of the nation.

When people tell me their experiences, I just listen. It feels rude to minimize their experience especially since I wasn't there. People do bad things. Even the people who are our family.

Sometimes it okay to not be okay. I wish more people could accept that.

I’ve noticed nuance and complexity has really gone away. Now, it feels like things have to be good or bad. We can’t sit and think carefully about issues anymore. If things aren’t perfectly good, they are bad.

100% agree that people cannot handle these things, hearing or knowing about them. So many people turn a blind eye and whenever I try to tacitly bring up my abuse as a way to explain behavior (I hate hugs, etc.) I always either get someone “explaining” my mother’s behavior over and over as a way to frame it as “not

yeah thats how i feel. i dont mind being called a victim or a surivior but i dont feel like i identify with either anymore (thanks to trauma therapy)

a cool thing about doing EMDR/ truama therapy is that i feel like i’m no longer a victim or a survivor. it’s like a thing that happened that i no longer have any connection to

Yes to this.

$500,000 per instance, plus a bonus $1,000 for every view, like and share.

If they can find multiple trillions for multiple pointless wars and rebuilding other countries, there is plenty to secure medical facilities. Except the GOP asshats in Congress refuse to even consider it while spending $1.5 million per pop to try to repeal the Affordable Care Act and who knows how many millions on the

They are. She’s gonna have a very tough time proving her case. The terms of her contract most likely prevent her from doing anything which could damage the hospital. Physicians can be fired from hospital employement very, very easily.

Remember that whole “they hate us for our freedom?” Yeah, that’s what’s actually happening here. If fear of violence dissuades people from doing or speaking about abortion, their violence is working and is curtailing our freedom.

Horvath-Cosper has the support of many abortion doctors.

there are three phrases in this world that you shouldn’t believe if you are only “informally assured”:

Well said. The removal of feminist icon Steinem from the campaign was a deceitful pass into enemy hands. Weasels!

I completely agree. Right now it’s a conveniently nebulous concept that can be contorted to mean something that is rarely intended. For instance, I regard my classrooms as safe spaces in that everyone is entitled to voice their opinion without fear of being shut down or treated with disrespect. The way Bloomberg

What worries me a lot more than the concept of safe spaces, are universities who disinvite speakers because of them being controversial. That’s a real issue that hurts free speech and prevents students from exchanging ideas and debating with those who disagree with them.

You write the first draft. GO!

Also, fuck my phone and its stupid tiny keyboard that is always trying to thwart my conversion of people.