Slay.douché - (dreams to be a puppy)

You are right, of course. My mind automatically jumps to the numerous fireworks breakups of my life, not the comparably rare version where both parties just realize that there is nothing there anymore and decide to part ways. But that probably says more about me and my relationships than relationships in general.

Good for you! Moving on in life doesn’t mean you forget the ones who stayed behind. You carry them with you.

Adding to the chorus of, “Feeling sad is normal.” No matter how much things needed to be ended, anyone who isn’t a sociopath will go through bouts of remembering the good stuff. It is natural. But if the good stuff had actually outweighed the bad, you wouldn’t have left. It is a phase that will pass, but don’t feel

My mom always said that when someone moves on quickly after the death of a spouse, it’s a good thing and you should be happy for them because they had such love before that they don’t want to be without it. I hope you find happiness.

So far, so good.

Fuck anyone who tells you that there’s a calendar for grief, and that they get to dictate what it is for you. People lost their shit when Patton Oswalt got engaged about 15 months after his wife died, and his response was basically that other people don’t get to set your schedule. Sometimes the unexpected happens.

I don’t know if this is something you’re struggling with, but I’ll tell you what my brother told me when I was dumped by my boyfriend after 5 years. I felt like I didn’t know who I was anymore, and he told me, “You’re still you, you still have a dog named Murphy, I’m still your brother.” He reminded me of all that I

I couldn’t tell you whether it is/will be love or not. But it does make me happy and doesn’t break my Grief Rule: does it cause myself or anyone else harm? No? Go do. 

Never, ever feel bad about seeking some happiness after a shitty situation. He sounds lovely!

Ooh, I feel you on this! Fuck those people; they don’t live in your skin and won’t get it. I also just started seeing someone and sometimes it’s just nice to have things be nice and feel right for you. So I hope you have lots of fun and feel free to make mistakes, because this dude will also make mistakes and you’ll

If you feel you found love then it’s okay.

Hey, enjoy. I hope you picked a nice one. Ignore naysayers.

It’s day three without hot water in my apartment. I took a freezing cold shower and this is me

I feel you. I ended mine a couple of months back, it’s not easy and I still feel a bit... I dunno, I don’t think sad is the word I’m looking for. More nostalgic than anything. It gets easier though.

And I’m STILL in the fucking greys.

This week I ended my 7 year relationship. I’m not upset or distressed, but I feel very very sad about it.

1st rule of Youtube, never read comments 

To be honest, I don’t believe in ghosts, but I can see being a little rattled when it sounds like your piano is playing when no one is there.

The shoplifting thing was in 2001?