Slay.douché - (dreams to be a puppy)

Except the illegal ones. Who do all of the work around our property. For pennies.

Which essentially means, “I’m just asking questions. I mean, we don’t know what causes it, so we can’t really say what doesn’t, can we?”

I have a FB friend on the spectrum who has gone on diatribes against Autism Speaks. They apparently really are the worst.

They are TERRIBLE! Autistic kids are always treated like burdens on their family—you should be SCARED of autism because your autistic kid will RUIN YOUR LIFE! My fav ad is one where a woman—in front of her autistic daughter—admits she once considered driving them both off a bridge and only didn’t because of her

My friends who have autistic children have spoken out multiple times against autism speaks and their practices. They have asked their friends to support other organizations aimed at helping people with autism instead.

Horseshit. She was hired to obfuscate Trump’s anti-vax stance and lend credibility to someone who she KNOWS deserves none. If she truly cared about the cessation of dangerous myths surrounding autism, she wouldn’t be working for Donald goddamned Trump. There is a special place in hell, and Albright got it wrong; it’s

This has nothing to do with autism, and everything to do with honesty.

it’s cool that the show has given her a chance to publish her art

Ilana’s still my one and only though.

I’ll buy it.

Pretty sure Carly didn’t “fall” but rather was yanked down by the Devil himself

A very big part of me wants this campaign to go all the way through to November. Between this and the VERY WEIRD victory handshake thing today, these people could be even funnier than Trump.

I’ll save you a good seat!

I’m going to hell with how much i laughed at this.

Thank goodness we have him to stand up to the GOP in Virginia. His veto power has stopped many terrible laws from being enacted.

I just watched the new W. Kamau Bell show United Shades of America (which airs on CNN but is so much better than the rest of CNN) and he spent a week at San Quentin. I have to say, after watching that? I’d rather even current inmates get the right to vote than Trump supporters. The lifers at San Quentin were

republicans thrive on low voter turnout.

I feel like many of the people in the United States who want to use midwives are the exact same ones who would have a problem with “government overreach into medicine!” (Whether they’re on the far left or right). I don’t see new midwife regulations happening anytime soon.

I’m a Virginian, and I gotta say: Terry is really good at getting it done. I don’t know if he’s the cause, or the effect, of this red state becoming a swing state.