Not sure that he would actually support Trump, Simmons is pretty hardline pro-Israel, he’s from there originally. Otherwise they would be a perfect match.
Not sure that he would actually support Trump, Simmons is pretty hardline pro-Israel, he’s from there originally. Otherwise they would be a perfect match.
Ask your doctor if Firefox is right for you.
Just FYI for you, what you deem “killing it” is skewed by whatever your perspective of that means. I enjoy quite a few people ‘middle aged’ who are better at twitter than I could hope to be.
Maybe it uses the Force
That one got an aggressive eye-roll from me too. Besides the inherent idiocy of assuming people who are “old” (god seriously, 40 is old??) can’t use the internet, it has this terrible taste of diminishing older feminists into confused soccer moms who are bad at technology or something. Maybe there is a reason all…
Dear Millenals who think 40 is so old: it’s almost 2020. We are getting pretty fucking close to 40 ourselves. Sit down.
Oh, honey, I was going to crack wise about a man named Henkels being killed with a knife because my mind needed to go to another place after reading the details of the murder.
That movie, amazing but horrifying.
The fact that anyone would even want to make a female AI after watching Ex Machina is beyond me.
My fear for this picture was that it actually took place at a Trump rally, but he didn’t want to come out and say on Twitter that he was at a Trump rally.
Thank you! He was such a nice man. His supporters have been shitty this entire time but he’s always been so classy and normal. All of a sudden shit went to the left. Figuratively and literally.
Yeah, I wonder if they’d be shocked to find out the majority of the things they use on the Internet was created by 40+ year olds.
It does make me additionally concerned about what his reaction will be when 0% of his legislative agenda makes it through his first term due to the Republicans' geographical advantages in the House.
as Gen X I am telling you, I am still using 14.4 speed dial up modem.
Actually I very much welcome conversation and critical thinking. Unfortunately the Bernie Bros are usually too drunk to engage in such civilities.
everyone has gone insane and nothing is real
I do love a millennial who thinks 40 years olds are so old we don’t know what the internet is or how to use it. (do they not teach the history of the technology in school?)
Don’t forget the classic: “You’re gay! I know another gay person. You should go on a blind date!”