I’m glad to hear it wasn’t a Shih Tzu. I love my little hairball, but I’m convinced that if those hairy little bastards were the size of mastiffs they would eat most of us and keep the rest for servants.
I’m glad to hear it wasn’t a Shih Tzu. I love my little hairball, but I’m convinced that if those hairy little bastards were the size of mastiffs they would eat most of us and keep the rest for servants.
Agree but when women are horribly murdered by their spouses or boyfriends, commenters don’t crack jokes and are rightfully distressed and outraged. The prevailing emotion is anger and sadness, not levity. As it should be. Women getting murdered by domestic violence is all too common.
I agree, and I swear I would star you if I weren’t on Firefox.
I have just been lurking over at Gawker for the last hour, so I suppose you could say my sensitivity chip is a little askew.
Cats are obviously going to kill us all and eat our faces, but you expect better from dogs.
I know nothing about French politics, but the large number of abstentions might reflect the fact that this was a controversial bill and a deal was maybe made? The last minute Terri Schiavo law (sometimes called the Palm Sunday compromise) here in the US was passed through the Senate by voice vote with only three…
Yes, I was caught up on the same thing. Is this a case of nearly 600 people not doing their job, or is this some kind of strategic abstaining?
“The bill passed 64 to 12 in lower Parliament, with 577 members abstaining.”
This whole thread is just a revelation.
Well that’s a 48hrs episode that I’d watch the shit out of! Damn.
Thanks for an Eric!
Haha he was an older Muslim man, IS THAT CLOSE ENOUGH?
Cool. It isn’t going to make me start liking Laura Bush, but I’m glad you got to do that!
Oh, hell no.
How many universes collided to make this happen?
She has a foundation called the Laura Bush Foundation and it does work with libraries and librarians. Her foundation funded a grant for American Indians to study to be librarians. I was selected to take part and got my library education completely funded by her.
Can Fendi Squirrel be the name of my new band?