Slay.douché - (dreams to be a puppy)

It would hurt him with his core constituency but help him (by sort of proving he isn’t some weird alien) in the general, probably. (So it makes sense that Trump’s smear guys are dropping this during the primary, when Ted really still needs the Holier Than Thou crowd.)

This is the best comparison. I didn’t even see it until you pointed it out, but now I can’t unsee it.

Glad it rings true. :)


I’m surprised no one is even talking about that part of the town hall.

Cannibal presidents are where I draw my nationhood line.

TrusTed I’ve never killed on my marital bed.

that would be a useful adaptation.

I believe you ted, you live a very busy life after all

My vagina ate itself the last time I thought about it so, no.

It should be, but in the States it’s an impeachable offence, apparently, so he has to be careful.

How can one man be so unlikable and desire killing?

The only reason I don’t believe it is because he is so absolutely repulsive and I haven’t met one women (Republican or otherwise) who didn’t feel that way. Also the women they claim slept with him are all so much more attractive than him. Like he’s a 0.5 and they’re all 7+. Power and intellect can only get you so far

“On the evening of April 4, Fox News’s Megyn Kelly asked Cruz at a Madison, Wisconsin town hall whether ‘he has ever committed adultery.’”

Yeah but when are we going to have someone ask the IMPORTANT questions?! COME ON TED. BE HONEST.

i believe him, simply because other women wanting to sleep with ted cruz is just


She is likely going by the speed at which tech goes obsolete.

Let’s hope. Or, at least that will be a good test of if the station is as liberal as people are hoping.

I think he did—he got to Chow-Chow it right down.