I worry that Trey Parker would support Drumpf just to goose The Lefties ‘90s style.
Aren’t they usually though? ;)
Jaundice + Beet-faced rage = Trump
it’s yuge.
“Take her to the juicing room”
I forget that he wasn’t always orange.
I always thought that she was awful. But this definitely is proof that my suspicions were correct!
Here’s hoping this is all the work of a parody artist who during the convention will rip off his mask, like a Scooby Doo villain, and will reveal himself to have been Donald Dolt this entire time!
Oh I think he knows. He knows that distinction doesn’t apply in his case.
He tried to skipperkee away from that cop, but in the end they boxered him into a corner.
About 15 years ago I had it on because I couldn’t find the remote and I was reading anyway. She took the mic into the audience and one of the guests did “How you doing” and I recognized the voice. Sure enough it was a friend of my sisters. He went on to live in infamy as the guy who posts Malaprop Aphorisms all over…
You’re not alone. I am always surprised she can fill the audience.
He looks a little husky for a chihuahua, but he’s still got that spring(er) in his step!
How you doin’ this all wrong?
It was a kind gesture - especially since that bridge can get super busy! That pup is lucky for sure!