Slay.douché - (dreams to be a puppy)

yet that there aren’t huge protests, boycotts

And also, just because you said Reavers I have to put the saddest line ever uttered in the entire ‘Verse.

It may have been nsfw... for a boyfriend, on his birthday

inquiring minds need to know

oh god.


For some reason, I really like idears. It sounds like bad ideas.

I think I already saw a woman doing that. She was getting Trump’s autographic on her chest. I’m hoping it wasn’t to get a tattoo later but I have a bad feeling she did.

Good. I want to be able to see when I meet someone if they voted for him. Makes weeding out the terrible people so much easier.

Not slogans.... I *may* *ahem* have written other things across my chest

and the worst part of that.... the government created them.

omg good call!

I kind of like how the twins are also orange. It’s like there’s a theme.

At least she didn’t get it tattoo-ed. That would have been pretty much the only way for it to have been trashier.

I never felt the urge to write a slogan across my chest.

I thought the same.


Hey, I was proud of my Tippicanoe and Tyler Too button and it’s not like I was there.

I feel like Larry David when he discovers his producers costar is a bush supporter as they're about to get down

Maybe she was conceived at a rally?