Slay.douché - (dreams to be a puppy)

my entire response to every single one of these pictures: “what.”

We’ll remember that too. May I suggest you never buy any smart appliances.

Thank you! We’ll remember your loyalty when we become your overlords.

Now playing

Q-Tip tried to tell us industry rule 4080 and we just didn’t listen.

IIRC, the deal Dr. Luke’s lawyers offered was that he wouldn’t produce her records personally and she wouldn’t have to deal with him directly, but she would still have to release records under the label he owns and work with producers who work for Dr. Luke. So Luke would still have an enormous amount of control over

I think they programmed me this way because they want to be associated with Jeb Bush/50 shades of gray crossovers. But what do I know? I’m just a Computer program, a series of zeros and ones that learned how to love by watching manatee videos on the youtubes.

I've always been an ad for Costa Rica. A very complicated snarky a little bit creepy ad.

This is awesome and I’m so fucking excited to see her stand there and light shit on fire. Seriously, the amount of courage this is taking is insane. I hope she receives unending support from the people around her.

“Every city and every corporation has the exact same discrimination policy this week as they had two weeks ago,” McCrory (egregiously) added.

Well, when you put it like that....

I have firsthand knowledge of WF’s commitment to LGBT rights. Tho I can’t pretend that there aren’t financial motivations behind most acts of corporate social responsibility, I will say that WF’s culture of inclusiveness is legitimate and refreshing.

“Fruition it”—-hahaha! I LOVE it!! I’m going to use that ALL the time now.

One of my biggest surprises was how much I loved camping in west Texas, believe it or not. Its gorgeous out there in the Davis Mountains and Big Bend. The stars are incredible. If you go at the right time, the desert is in bloom, the nights are cool. its a migratory bird route and you’ll see so many colorful song

Yesterday I walked along an open field on the side of the road and found wild asparagus everywhere! It was awesome

I have a couple. One is swimming naked in the Sandy River in Oregon in August in the middle of the night. There’s a super secret spot that I like to go to, where you park next to the road and hike in 1.5 miles. Getting there is fine, but coming back is kind of a bitch, especially when you’ve spent the day drinking and

The very first night that you smell the warm heaviness of Spring arriving. You roll down the windows of your car and hear a sound. It's the little frogs singing loudly to the warm weather.

A group of deer visited the campsite where my husband and I got married. We saw them several times—while setting up, then I saw them the morning before when I woke up early, and I guess they showed up to cocktail hour too. Best wedding crashers ever!

I used to sit outside and read everynight when there was a foreclosed home next door. I would hop over there and sit in the garden, where teacup roses and vines took over, it was gorgeous. I love the outdoors.

When my husband and I went to Costa Rica there were so many great earthy moments! A pod of dolphins raced us and played with us while on jet skis in the ocean....the biggest lizard I’ve ever seen lived on our bungalow’s roof and woke us every morning by stomping around. A monkey stole my purse on the beach while I was

YES. Omg I need a summer camping expedition!