Slay.douché - (dreams to be a puppy)

One of my favourite memories was the last time my dear old dog was able to go hiking with me. She was 15 at the time, and watching her merrily trot along at her old lady pace was so sweet... she was just as happy as could be. Like me, she loved being in the mountains more than anything- and although she lived to the

You’re not kidding. I was 38 and had never seen anything like it before. It was amazing.

Thanks! I thought so too.

Yeah-I can’t WAIT for all the rejection : )

Oh my gawd HOW DID I FORGET:

Big Sur is gorgeous. Are you glamping at Treebones? If so- it's the best! Breathtaking views and you know, a sushi restaurant and bar so you aren't TOO far removed from the world : )

Both pairs are beautiful! The cat pair is my favorite though, the colors are beautiful.

That’s a great idea!

I am going to TRY to do the traditional route and get an agent first. Working on my query letter as I'm doing editing. But that isn't totally out of the realm of possibility-just not ideal. I'd be terrible at marketing.

One time I was hiking alone in a very narrow, deep valley at Montana de Oro State Park. Just before dark. Above me, the wind was tossing the trees around wildly, but all was still and lovely down where I was, by the creek.

Forgot to mention meteorite showers and seeing planets and things when somewhere that is dark enough. Altho I have seen a shooting stars over the freeway while driving and right over the middle of the city, too. Yay.

Several years ago I spent time in Rocky Mountain National Park with some friends. We spent 10 days back-country camping while there. One morning I woke up to a cow elk just chilling out less than 20 feet from my tent. During that trip I saw tons of elk, mule deer, a couple of moose, bighorn sheep, and even two

I have so many best nature things, most of which occurred in Belize:

I live in a place very close to nature, so I’m lucky (and it’s still a city, so I’m super lucky). My favorite thing is sting rays in the harbor. One morning, my friend and I met at the beach to do our bellydance, which I’ve enjoyed doing ankle deep in the harbor (with a shorter skirt and bare ankles/shins). The RAYS

About two years ago, I was hiking on Pilot Mountain in NC with my then-roommate. We reached an overlook about halfway up the trail, climbed out onto a flat boulder, and just chilled and read books looking out over the landscape. I need to spend more time in nature; I miss it.

Thanks! I’d lend ‘em to you too!

Hubba Hubba.

Fun! If I had a cryptic crossword gang I would call it the Cryps.

Hi all!

This is the first social I’ve been able to make in over two months!!! I’m so excited, bring on the make up threads and give me all the news! The reason I’ve been unable to join in lately is that I’ve joined a gang. We meet every Sunday morning for breakfast and we do cryptic crosswords. We are called The Cryptic