Slay.douché - (dreams to be a puppy)

She also runs a dog rescue called Bonaparte’s Retreat! Happy Birthday to an awesome lady!

She salts her bread and butter. LOVE YOU EMMYLOU!

I now have mac ‘n’ cheese in my maxillary sinus. Thanks a bunch.


It reacted the plot of the Lost Boys or Fright Night.

Python is truly eternal.

Just to add some extra sting.

I did not do the math :-/ And it takes two gummies to equal one cup of coffee? Lame.

I looooove coffee, but my stomach is also very dumb and I sometimes can’t handle coffee in the morning. I would love a highly caffeinated alternative, because most mornings, tea just doesn’t cut it.


...mostly bump-n-grind.

thank you AMAZON

I agree, there is definitely some crazy person trying to create it for the fact he can do it.

We also don’t need an anal thermometer metering app to predict our morning poops.

That shit is my Xanax

As long as we’re revisiting the classics.

Not nude, but maybe NSFW

Wait, what? I’m going to need some kind of source.