Slay.douché - (dreams to be a puppy)

Legs up the wall after a tough session is the best.

A very experienced instructor and the studio owner ran into the room as I was attempting one under one of her teachers, and said I should never do headstands. My face was beet red, and other things....she said legs up the wall was great for me.

Oh. My. Gosh. Yeessssssss!!!!!!

I was the same way with crow pose. Never thought it would happen until the day an instructor told me to look forward (and promised I would not tip over). It worked!

Maybe try an L-stand? You basically do dolphin pose with your feet by the wall, and then s-l-o-w-l-y walk your feet up the wall until you’re shaped like an upside down L. You’ll get all the benefits of inversion, but accommodating your level of flexibility. Just an idea.

Damn, you’ve totally achieved zen. You rock.

Not cool! But glad you stopped going. Life is too short to do yoga you don’t enjoy.

I stopped going to a yoga studio, also in LA, after a bad experience with handstands. I have a bad back and after reading all the articles about how one can seriously hurt themselves screwing up a hand stand I decided I would skip them.

Some delightful soul offered to help me, and when I said I’d rather not, she

This is the ultimate Jezspin comment ever. A thousand stars!

Yes! Thank you! I am perfectly happy chilling out in Dolphin pose. I think more places should be like where I go now, where it’s pretty much “Hey, do a headstand now if you want but, if you aren’t into that, then that’s totally cool.” Hopefully, that way of thinking will catch on.

OK. So here’s an embarrassing yoga-hockey celeb story the DS peeps should appreciate. I live in Toronto and was taking yoga classes at a studio down the street from my house. Classes were very small, like 6 people not including the instructor. About halfway through the sessions, the instructor’s sister starts coming

I never understood why yoga instructors are so damn determined to make everyone do these headstands! Even in the very first, super basic yoga class I ever took they made us do them. I even had instructors insist I “at least try” to do them (and doing that stupid-scary feet pull-up that you mentioned, ugh!) even after

When/where are we getting bears? It’s Friday, dammit.

nxt takeover dallas in 4hrs!

aww now i’m sad

Honestly, this hurt Kasich more than the imprisoning women for having abortions comment hurt Trump.

It will cost you. You know how much.


None of these words mean anything together!!! HELLLP

I kind of want to read it. I just have so many questions.