Slay.douché - (dreams to be a puppy)

the other day i was in a store and that song came on and as i was looking around - singing along barely at the bottom of my voice, as one is wont to do anytime one hears bohemian rhapsody - i realized that every other person in the store and the people who worked there were also lowkey singing along too

It is a funny name.

I don’t know if it matters or not, but somehow I doubt this is something that happened intentionally...literally none of those people strike me as people who would have a Cirque du Soleil album.

I’ve been on a 3 month roll with golden delicious and the last two weeks have been just a teeny bit too soft. Any suggestions?

apples and oranges... oh wait you guys are being funny and I missed it again

just realized your username is my nick name that my mom and husband call me by.


It’s a kind of pant.

Nice, although I think it looks more like Posh Spice has a bit of gas.


Not interested in sportzball, but that show is the best. Kenny Fuckin’ Powers is a fantastic character.

I’m so here for this.


Total patent troll, that always seems to also be appropriating elements of black culture.

Pull up a chair...

“They almost got away with it. But one of them left a lip print”

No I’m pretty sure that was Taylor Swift

If loose lips sink ships then shiny ones keep crime capers afloat?

fine would watch that with you, i havent seen either of the shows :) so.....

I don’t understand any of this