Slay.douché - (dreams to be a puppy)

Jesus fucking h Christ, I used to think it was funny how pissed Ryan used to get when people mistook him for Bryan Adams. I’m beginning to think it’s Bryan who should take offense.

Why did they always do that sort of thing with their hands in the old movies? They thought it was cute and charming I think. Weird how gestures can be fashionable....

Wildest Midsummer’s Night Dreams?

The “problem” with the iPad is that the lifecycle is much longer than a lot of people anticipated. It’s complicated by the fact Apple hasn’t really been making dramatic changes between each iteration, to ensure iOS developers don’t lose their minds (also, margins).

Hey remember when no one could tell if this was a golf club or a riding crop ?

My favorite single from her album, 1589, is definitely Welcome to New Yorick. Shake it Out, Damned Spot takes a close second.


Will be interesting to see if they can keep doing it. They certainly succeeded with the iPad (although last I heard their sales were slipping?) but I know more than a few Apple Watch users who are planning to sell theirs after having them for a few months. Have never heard anyone say that about an Apple product before.

“The iPod requires me to change my lifestyle to meet it’s needs...”

To be fair, this is not a bad summary of Apple’s marketing strategy: Create a thing that nobody thinks they need. Convince people that they need it. Repeat.

I actually remember that thread surprisingly. I was actually working for Apple at the time and also owned a Rio, so I knew just how revolutionary it was as my Rio could barely fit a crappily encoded Tool CD on it vs their whole library at a decent compression rate plus a few other artists which could fit in something

And for whom down payments were basically a joke!

What kills me is often those freaking out are complaining because they imagine it’s exactly the same movie but with women playing t b e roles. I seriously doubt that is the case, why can’t they just wait and see before the freak out? Fine yiu wanna not like a movie, that’s cool everyone has a right to their own


You're TOTALLY right. I vote grey hound Nancy

People are scared of me too

Husband convinced me to do a couples costume for the first time in the 7 years we’ve been together. Usually he gives me shit for being something too abstract, but this year he decided to be an 80s exercise angel (?) and I am encouraging this foray into goofy costumes by being an exercise devil. He’s wearing a white

A Fly Girl is an awesome costume and congratulations on completing wedding month. I worked retail at a hardware store and summer was our brutal busy time so I completely sympathize. People go batshit crazy over weddings and building houses, apparently.

I’m going to dress up as a 53 year-old woman hiding away in the living room from her visiting in-laws, passing out candy to little kids, while drinking glass after glass of wine and scarfing down miniature Milky Way bars. Again.

Aw bless you. I don’t usually post pics but I am proud of my horns so please see a woman with non-existent cheekbones attempting to be Angelina Jolie (I will not be wearing the cuddly jumper):
