Slay.douché - (dreams to be a puppy)

Yeah I was not expecting this post to go here! And it is such a half-baked thought, which is frustrating because I think it’s an interesting topic. Or could be, if there actually is evidence to back up the point.... I actually have noticed this more with books, so I’m struggling to come up with examples of recent

I latched on to that part of the post - she just sort of drops it off at the end, with absolutely no examples to back up her point. (It was also an abrupt switch from something I thought was going to be all about the J.Law comparison) I appreciate your mentioning “Kimmy Schmidt” and that may be part of it, but it’s a

Room” and “The Room” are very, very different projects!

Yay! I’m so glad someone brought this up. I binge watched that show. It was so good and I’m glad I randomly decided to pick it up on Netflix. I was so sad when it ended.

I think I might need to pay more attention to celebrity names. This post has taught me that Brie Larson and Allison Brie are two different people (she didn't look like the actress from Community so I had to IMDB it). The more you know!

I enjoy both in different ways. I’m capable of liking more than one actress at a time.

Yes!! I loved this show so bad and wished they would've gone just one more season! The family had such good chemistry together, I just wanted to join their dysfunction and be friends with Charmaine.

It’s too bad there’s only room in the world for one young likable actress at a time.

The cake-sitting will never be forgotten.

I’m just gonna take this opportunity to remind everyone to watch “United States of Tara.” So, so good. So much excellent Brie Larson-ing.

Pretty much :(. And wussushi.

I just want to see what Katy will wear

Can we look forward to a Hilary dress?

Yep. And for me, there’s a huge difference between someone who is super fake but benign — like these women I’m talking about — and someone who is fake with the intention of being hurtful or selfish. Everyone is fake to some degree at any time, just to get through the day. I certainly have a version of myself I put on

Yes to teriyaki (steak or chicken). No to the portobello. No to curried garlic. Yes to sweet potato fries (dipped in honey mustard. or maple marshmallow sauce) Is that what you’re having for dinner? I wish my palate was more sophisticated. I try, but the only food to make it off the banned list in 30 years is hummus.

Yes to the saltines. With fresh sea salt butter. No to the Sanka, my tastes are immature, not nonexistent. I would sooner consider sipping Kopi Luwak than eatting a truffle though.

Think it depends location - L.A., S.F., NYC can all be very immature and witchy with regards to super duper classist and or “hipster” lines in the sand - (but then again those towns are oft also the pretension magnets).

Not that *everyone* in those places is like that, yet the one’s who are hyper-exaggerate it.

Katy Perry is officially Hilary Clinton’s Left Shark™

Well since ocean acidification is going cause mass fish extinction in the not so distant future, we may as well catch and eat all the fish we can now.