Slay.douché - (dreams to be a puppy)
sophistry-amundo real self hangs in her drawers all day, playing on her phone and kindle, surrounded by dogs and half finished crafts. Thanks GOD I have a fake public persona that likes to get dressed and leave the house. Otherwise everyone in my office would assume I was suicidal.

You make an excellent point. I half expected the judge to “break character” after coming down hard to prove a point and stress the importance of testifying. I thought she would vent her frustration and then let the woman go free.

Poor guy. The only place I can be snarky is online. Hmmm. That may explain MANY people.

Ah Republicans. When they actually appoint a woman for something they scour the earth to find the most evil, misogynistic ones possible.

She wasn’t really denying the fact that the woman suffers from anxiety, more taking glee in the fact that she’s willingly choosing to subject the woman to an experience (jail time) that she knows is going to make the problem much, much worse. Which is, itself, much, much worse.

It was horrible seeing how she treated that poor woman. I was almost in tears.

Thanks, Jeb Bush.

^^^ this yes !! yes!!! It’s insulting to make fun or disbelieve someone who suffers anxiety.

Domestic violence charges should be brought by the state so that a woman like this one doesn’t have to be put in the position of pressing charges or not pressing charges.

Hey! If you don’t have any training in mental health issues, let’s not pretend to be an expert on mental health issues, mmkay, Judge?

I saw this on the news the other day. The judge took the contempt part to heart. She was dripping icy scorn. The quality of mercy was completely absent. And the woman’s pleas as she was escorted out were heart wrenching. I know it’s important to press charges. But there is no way that this woman wasn’t re-victimized.

That’s not how this fucking works.

I would say most of us try to consciously avoid lying or hypocrisy, though. I think a fake person consistently lies about their actions, motivations, and decisions and actively gets pissed off when confronted about it.

Yep - this. The social lie is to protect people. I don’t always like my coworkers but it benefits all of us if I pretend to. I have begun to try to stop/suppress negative thoughts about others since my highly sensitive nature leads me to believe I have actually expressed them - THIS is much harder.

At times we have to be “fake” to make it through the day and be around other people. Not everyone needs to know all the weird thoughts and interests I have. I don’t want to know those things about other people. Frankly, we have different levels of intimacies with different people. The problem is if no one can really

Yes, we maybe thinking it but we don’t need to say it.

I suggested it to my child, and she’s mulling it over. It would be very funny and excellent.

I mean, they LOOK exactly like dog treats. They're not really even trying are they?