Slay.douché - (dreams to be a puppy)

Reads Jez? Hi Zach!!

I mean I think the pig looks like her, but do I think someone should ask her about it? Absolutely not.

Oh man, I was trying to explain the whole getting-film-developed thing to my kids the other day. Their wee minds were blown. Probably bigger even than finding out that all phones used to plug into the wall.

Do you think it’s more likely that Braff reads Jez or watches The View?

These should be made into cards.

Pretty sure those are those foam blocks. Think ball pit but with cubes instead of balls. Looks fun to me, but I am a perpetual child.

@Zach Braff Yes. It was so very, very her.

Natalie Dormer: the woman who makes everyone question their sexuality!

I thought you meant Kevin Bacon at first. I was thinking I didn't know Kermit liked Kevin Bacon that much.

I think the puppet is cute because she is cute.

I quickly skimmed through this and thought, “What kind of event would attract the sort of social idiot who actually would ask another human being this question out loud?”

Didn’t realize Kermit had a case of Bacon Fever.

A lot of people need this course.

Who is willing to do a seminar on “How to talk to people without being an asshat”? I’d gofund that.

There’s nothing in the constitution about an absolute majority, and the “majority” needed to elect is based on human bodies present and abstain votes.

oh; eugenics. pizza rats, today; donut mice tomorrow? you sicken me.

In a sense... but I’m more on the planned rat parenthood side. I think we should be encouraging rat contraception.

This has to be tourists or transplants taking these videos, right? No real New Yorker (including the Ghostwriter team) even notices rats.