Slay.douché - (dreams to be a puppy)

That’s what’s in Party Mix! Knock-off Doritos and Cheetohs and Fritos...not a single thing is actually brand name. I believe the fake Doritos are just called “nachos.” The Cheetohs are called “crunchy curls.”

“There isn’t any meat in that— just lamb.”

You are literally the only person in the entire world to GET ME.

I mean, I’m on some group texts where things get nuts VERY quickly. Like, 3 other people will be chatting away with each other, and suddenly we’re up to 119 unread texts. My assumption is that group text is what’s happening here. Or, she’s ghosting a LOT of people.

My dad never texts me :(

A guy I’ve been seeing has read receipts turned on and it is the WORST because I really didn’t need to know that he read my text a minute after sending but waited a day and a half to reply. There is literally no situation I can think of where read receipts are anything other than a terrible idea.

All I ever notice when people post screenshots of their phones is how many unread things they have. As an inbox zero-er and obsessive notification checker I could not deal with that! And what kind of jerk has 69 unread messages from friends anyway (although maybe she’s intentionally keeping it steady at that number,

I also just love how amazingly tall she is. I’m like four inches taller than my dad so clearly I adore this photo.

“No, dad Jesus.” If you’re going to bother to punctuate...

I’ve always heard the Jez writers are trigger happy.

I’d forgotten who her mom was until I looked at her face. She looks so much like her mom. Genetics is cool.

What I got from this article is that someone willingly married Jason Sudeikis. Will wonders never cease?

As a fellow sufferer, I hear you. I was diagnosed over 20 years ago after dealing w/ it since childhood.

I cannot believe there’s even a mental illness that people think is “cute”. Yes, the anxiety attacks that happen when you’re trying not to give in to the compulsions are FUCKING ADORABLE.

It was a jackass move from someone who not only doesn’t get it, but doesn’t even try to get it because herp-a-derp-har-har OCD is so funny.

As someone who actually has OCD: fuck off, Rainn Wilson.

tbh, could not think of a more clever way to distract from the fact that mccarthy basically said the bengahazi hearings were a political tool against a hillary clinton presidency

As soon as I read this headline, I put my head in my hands and chanted, “oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no”. NOW IT WILL BE SOMEONE WORSE.

Not good. He was basically Boehner’s heir apparent and was the best hope we had of keeping the Tea Party at bay. With him gone they will pick someone who is truly batshit fucking crazy and won’t even blink at shutting the government down in an attempt to de fund PP or Obamacare or whatever the fuck else.

I would to my senior prom stag and had a wonderful time. This was a catholic high school. I even stole another girl's date to dance with.