You seem fun.
You seem fun.
So what I’m getting from this is, if enough coaches speak out about the turnip in the Oval Office, conservatives will use that as an excuse to abandon their sports fandom? Can we get them to sign enforceable contracts to that effect? Because the less I have to interact with these mouth-breathers, the happier I’ll be...
Sliding into a base spikes up is dumb and dangerous. Throwing a projectile 95-100 mph at a batter is dumb and dangerous. There are no heroes here.
Clearly, Rendon just doesn’t play the game the Right Way.
I wondered how long it would take for a story about the Yankees to yield a shot at Boston...
Roman numerals, man. They start at IV.
Star Wars doesn’t have any prequels. The movies start with Episode IV. Nothing came before.
I’m not sure it’s appropriate to draw any parallels to America. At least not until the trash can goes up in flames.
This needs more stars. Many more.
If Bill Simmons ever writes an autobiography, he should probably title it “Do Better.”
Weirdly, I never considered the possibility that *I* would be the one yakking. But this is a fair analysis.
Give me the delay every time. In addition to not finding myself in a situation in which I’m sure I’m going to die (in a flaming, vomity wreck), I can always station myself at the airport bar and idle away the time. Plus, if we eventually do take off, and the flight is still turbulent, at least I’m drunk.
Literally the first photo above... or did I miss the joke? (I think I missed the joke.)
I am 137% stealing “balloon Cthulu” in the future...
I think jamming your hands down your pants and shoving them in another person’s face would probably qualify as an attack. It does, after all, fall very neatly under the definition of assault.
I’m from one of those regions. Your friend isn’t wrong.
Approximately six years earlier. When he decided participating in the ski jump would be a good idea...
At this point, I just assume Deadspin/kinja is messing with me. Half my comments come up gray, half post normally.
I, too, cannot see. And find myself (inexplicably) a member of the greys again.