
That’s my worry too. He keeps telling me all he needs is training. But women doing the third shift is par for the course in Indian families. My mother is the main breadwinner and all the household and emotional labour STILL falls on her. The ironic thing is my dad IS a wonderful father to us and considered the perfect

You could be right. Madame is gorgeous too. 

I mean fair point but it’s unheard of to be a spinster in my society. Living a fabulous single life with many lovers is also extremely frowned up. Also, I love the guy. He’s my first love and he’s a good egg.

My dog! Why are you attacking the guy?

So let me get this clear. We hate Avenatti now?

Remember remember the 6th of November.

I just can’t with the excuse that both candidates sucked. No politician gets to this level without compromise and a little corruption. As a discerning voter you need to choose the lesser of both evils. I mean isn’t that the point of an education? To make informed decisions? I fully agree with the sentiment but how

I mean I kinda dig it. But the Instagram face and the grungey look don’t mesh imho. It’s like every girl got the memo that there’s only one way to look pretty except me.

1) We have very little to no violent crime and even those are mainly amongst gang members. But you’re right certain bars and clubs are more notorious than others.

My grandmother stayed with us in her last years. Even with two live-in domestic helpers and my mother being semi retired, it was so hard on my mother. I would prolly have pushed Hawking down the stairs if he had the temerity to leave me after wiping his ass for 30 years. Jane Hawking is a better person than  I. 

I mean she could take out an attack ad on her brother. 

Nooooo. Also, what is this look? Look I’m sooo casual and IDGAF with this ratty tank but I’ll also put on a full face of makeup and false lashes. Oh and also wear a metric fuckton of jewellery.

What the WHAAAT!! Her old hairline must be half way down her scalp. 

I thought it was Miles Cyrus!

We joke but I wonder if Ivanka has ever been molested or sexually assaulted or has her wealth and privilege shielded her from such transgressions. Pretty much every woman I know, including myself  has been to the extent I wonder if there really is a woman alive who hasn’t experienced these things. But maybe Ivanka is

Thanks. NGL that sounds damn good right now. The name reminds me of a place in Seattle called Muffin Bitch. SO GOOD!

Divorced and widowed women also have slim pickings while the men remarry their 25 year old soul mates.

My mum always say how her life would be better if she never got married.


Yeah I was wondering about that. I thought it was going to be a food porn type article where she talks about various hole in the wall places. Anthony Bourdain, she ain’t.