
Egg Slut?

I just attributed that to Chinese grandma speak. It’s very common in SEA amongst the older generation who were born and raised here. It’s even common in my country, Singapore, even though the national language is English. You’d think it gets better over time but it’s actually getting waay worse because of the massive

I know. I’ve always found that so fascinating. I’ll eat almost anything but my stomach has become more sensitive over the years and I can’t even handle too much spice anymore.

I was in Vancouver for a couple of months and the food there by and large  is sooo bland. Even the ethnic places. If you ask for chili all they have is sriracha. That’s not right! I’m from Singapore. Each dish has its accompanying chili! 

I love your description! I know exactly who you mean. Similar ilk to those ridiculous guys (and girls) in white person dreads in saffron robes. 

Probably Stunna from Fenty.

Yet they will absolutely trip over themselves orgasming about the cast of Crazy Rich Asians... and proceed to name half of them incorrectly.

Also let’s not forget that this is the same site that keeps heaping praise on Crazy Rich Asians and Kevin Kwan even though they are aware of protests over how exclusionary of local ethnic minorities the books and movies are.

That isn’t transphobic. Maybe insensitive if said to a transperson IRL but not really read as transphobic unless the entire book keeps shitting on transpeople and their rights.  

I don’t know man. I come from a fairly non-violent population and bar fights are verrrry common here. And about half is them are started by the bouncers. 

I know he likes chocolate cake. Maybe we can send him some yellow cake?

Physical cleaning is almost like a psychic cleansing right? Sooo satisfying. 

I really don’t get it. Donald Trump owed MILLIONS of unpaid debts to banks and other people go to jail for unpaid parking tickets? Stealing milk powder for their starving babies? Hell the bank came after me HARD for a measly 3K loan. How in the hell is this orange fucker not in prison?

Ooh. A link to! Careful you don’t get permagreyed!

What’s a Wook?

What goes around, comes around. 

Sssh... you’re making too much sense.

He has an extremely punchable face. Also his name is Ansel Elgort. 

For THAT I don’t blame Aiden Thirdreich or whatever. I blame the casting director for hiring him over literally THOUSANDS of more talented and worthy actors.

I think lady gaga is a terrible, TERRIBLE actress, painfully self-conscious and pretentious at once. I mean her “acting” in AHS. Oy Vey!