Sonya in TX

Understood. It defies logic to alienate a large part of the audience. But apparently she did that on Grey's Anatomy too.
But I guess she knew what she was doing in season 5. Build up audience anticipation with the "At Last" tag line, knowing that she would alienate half her audience with the abortion 'out of nowhere'

HTGAWM pissed me off with the endless flashbacks that made me lose track of what the plot was. I gave up a few episodes into the 2nd season…and I love Viola Davis.

I have a prediction for the last episode of the show next year. Shonda in an interview questioning why Olivia and Fitz don't get married or make a sustained effort to be together. Shonda said something like this, "If Olivia and Fitz get together, there would be no more show." One of three things happen: Olivia will

Olivia had it all when she was already in the White House helping Fitz attend to the business of the country. That's why it made no sense for her to think getting Mellie elected and straying around for her would be a good choice. But this is Shondaland. A characters motives never make sense.

Understood Anthony. :)

Network TV is barely doing anything. Cable is where it's at. So I think Shonda does what she wants because that's all they have.

I heard the same thing. Shonda didn't want to do Scandal and had to be convinced. Shonda wanted an Alias type show with an anti-hero. The network didn't want the Alias type show, but chose Scandal. So they did the first season and half of the second season. As soon as they got the order for a full second season, in

I never saw Private Practice. I actually cannot make it through an episode of Grey's Anatomy either. But I am always here for story lines that, wherever they go, I need internal consistency.

I always thought Bellamy should get a spin off show to explore her presidency in the wake of Trump getting elected in real life. But I couldn't trust Scandal writers to do a female presidency any justice.

Amen to that Anthony! There has never been a payoff for the Olivia Fitz relationship. Both characters talk a very big game about wanting to be together, yet Olivia is the one who makes no effort to effect that change.

Empire was dumb from the start IMO. I stopped watching after the Naomi Campbell character was made to drink poison to kill herself. Whatever.

Well they film more than an hour of material and trim it to the 43 minutes we see. So for instance, the relationship of Fitz and Olivia was breaking up in season 5A, we only got a clue when Olivia was at the abortion clinic on her back. That's rude IMO to not give any hints that Olivia was so profoundly unhappy. I

Season 6 was supposed to be "getting back to the old Scandal". What a bust that was. So I'm not hoping for anything better in season 7.

The show was a suspension of disbelief from the start. But B613 started the sharks circling. Then the second secret organization jumped the shark big time. Who needs to give a damn about the presidency when you can have it all with B613?

I'm still glad I bounced from this series and only read recaps. This whole season made no sense.

I think the show pays to have it trend.

I must agree with your assessment. One day Olivia wants Eli dead. The next minute she won't have anyone harm a hair on his head.

Where is Susan Ross?

I've felt this way since the show was picked up for a regular full season after 2A. In comes Jake and the B613 spy show. Yes, I always felt that Rhimes got the Alias knock off she always wanted by giving the network what they wanted with Scandal season 1 and 2A. Once the show was made a hit, she changed to get the spy

It was the blackmail attempt by Andrew Nichols. Abby wanted to give Andrew everything he asked for, but Olivia thwarted Abby in the end.