Sonya in TX

Cool. Your commentary was on point. Good to see fellow gladiators around the virtual town. :)

Cheyenne, was that you posting on the Washington Post website about the article on disability payments in coal country?

All television shows do this. To get the initial audience, your lead character needs to be the smartest person in the room who always saves the day. Olivia was like this from season 1 to 2A. As soon as they were renewed for the full season 2B and beyond, Olivia became first a non-repentant slut, and then slowly dumbed

I gave up on the show, but I still read the reviews of the show here and get entertained with the comments.
I still ask the question of why Fitz continued to pursue a relationship with Olivia after what she did to him in episode 5x09. Olivia turned out to be the most difficult person to date. She talks a huge game

Charlie is too controlling.

I guess he doesn't want to go home to Kim and Javi anymore.

Thanks for the comment. Yes, in Scandal years, Fitz has been chasing Olivia with no lasting time together for about nine years. I know that their sex must be mind blowing, but how many times does Fitz get dumped before he gives up and finds another green pasture elsewhere? If I were Fitz, the nail in the coffin would

I hope it is the last season. In the Scandal universe, the affair between Fitz and Olivia started on the campaign trail before Fitz was elected president. So now that it's the end of his term, the affair lasted about 9 years. How can a man Fitz' age keep chasing the same woman who repeatedly rejects him? It's been

OMG…I feel the same way. Way more drama out of the real Washington DC than this show. Then again…that's sad commentary on how the real election was won by a racist clown.

Dumbest plot ever. And is it just me, or do all of the actors look tired, and the performances 'self aware'? Oh well.

Read the reviews and I am still glad I bounced after 5x09. So now we are supposed to replace Fitz with Jake because Jake now wants kids and a life in DC with Liv? Damn. Tony must have pissed Shonda off badly.

Read more than one review. If Marcus and Melle become an item, I hope Marcus has enough sense to wait until after the election to hit the sheets.

Wait a minute….

Where's Maya?

Well every tired writer does the same thing. When you are out of ideas, your smart lead ALWAYS goes dumb on everyone.

A smart, successful woman with one weakness….is now reduced to the worst stereotypes of black women. Shonda is tone deaf.

After the James Novak shooting in season 3 , the hashtag was "Who got shot?" was shown before the reveal. As soon as I saw that hashtag, I said "JR". So yes, Shonda plagiarizes big time and then calls it her "genius". She's a fraud.

I repeat…they ran out of plot ideas after season 2A.

Artimis is cute as can be. I'm sorry her character Susan Ross is being used like a dishrag by David.

Love the reviews on this site. I don't watch anymore, as I feel myself as an audience member have never gotten the 'payoff' for all of the time Fitz and Olivia spent trying to be together….only to have "At Last" be a bait and switch ratings plumper. The writers never wanted their domestic situation to work. Oh well.