Sonya InTexas

"At Last" was the tag line for season five. Anyone else feel duped after this episode? I do.

That's what made me disappointed in the writers. A pregnancy termination is her choice. But ambiguous paternity turned the Olivia character ghetto/trailer park.

Norman Lear did it better than Shonda ever could.

I wonder why Fitz even bothers with Olivia at this point. In Scandal years, Fitz has been chasing Olivia for seven years. And now, the man has to walk on eggshells around her. One wrong move and Olivia bolts.

I'm with you Cheyenne. Olivia can choose to do with her body what she wants, but the fun of this series is dead. I'm bouncing too.

I worry about The Force Awakens with all of this hype. If Shonda is on the case to promote the movie to girls (her own words), I fear the movie will suck.

Great post. Yes, I'm al a Good Wife fan and do want to see how Olivia and Alicia end up. Empire, for me, was too silly and disjointed from the start. They simply needed to tell a story about a family. They went nuts with the guest stars and never kept to an overall story arc. Oh well.

Cute guys can get away, literally, with murder…..just like cute women can be real terrors too. That's why the bad guy in movies/tv are always unattractive.

Christmas in the Scandal universe? I think Fitz will propose properly in front of the Oval Office Christmas tree….

Look at the teaser again. Tom was on the ground moaning in pain…

Did anyone miss Mellie? I sure didn't….

Bait and switch.
I'm so angry, I'm done with Scandal for good. Why? When in hell would Fitz actually make a proposal to Olivia and then admit that it's not what he wanted to do? And all the promo about a White House wedding (that I knew wasn't going to happen) and then Olivia bolting and having Abby give the

I wish I can give a thumbs up a thousand times to your post. Yes, Mellie made a choice to end the sexual relationship with Fitz for over a decade. And Fitz stayed, even when Mellie would verbally abuse Fitz. I'm ready to see him out of his marriage to Mellie. She doesn't get to demand that Fitz stays in a

The buzzword is "excuse me", and "what?". Re-watch 501 and 502. It's annoying as all get out to hear everyone say those phrases as if they are hard of hearing.

You know a finale sucks when 90% of the comments are about other season/series endings. My sympathy is with the cast of Scandal who have to work with whiplash writing style of Shonda Rhimes.

So let me get this straight. Russell is a B613 agent sent to kill Jake. He could have used a gun. But no, he went the slow route and brought a knife. Fine. So when you are tasked with killing someone you shank them dozens of times and manage to miss vital organs AND arteries?
Then when shot by your boss and told to

In the promo following this broadcast, you hear Quinn's voice over say, "Jake's dead…" But…
I saw some promo pictures from the next episode. It looks like another bait and switch. It looks like Jake was killed, but he's going to be recovering in Olivia's apartment.
If true, it's another false promo to get

I don't understand why Fitz would go through round two of Jake watching Olivia. I guess he doesn't mind the fox in his hen-house after all…

Brenda Song played Alissa. Brenda Strong played Sam Reston's wife.

Susan Ross is more like the female Joe Biden IMO….very little filter of the mouth…