
Translation: “I hate my job and I resent anyone who takes joy in theirs.”

I, too, hate people who have fun at their job.

If you’re not mourning RubyThief’s way, you’re pathetic! Nut up and forget about your goddman dead kid, dumbasses!

Do you New York liberals even believe in Bejeezus? I think you’re a bunch of Bejatheizts.

Classic Jezebel comment!

Even harder to imagine is someone being 60 and caring what people think about their torso.

Wat? In my state, all bars have to offer a hot and a cold food option. Granted, you can get away with offering chips or a heated up can of Progresso, but still.

Yeah but how many headlines do you see about “Executive dog has been raping women for decades”? #teamdog

If Seneca’s so smart, why isn’t he rich? Or alive?

OTOH it’s a garbage game and Super Punch-Out is a much better game.

Well, the Pixies managed to do it.

I don’t buy what Hue is selling. Everything the Browns’ management does is from a place of fear. There is nothing proactive.

When asked to “say in his lane” Andy Richter has Vincent D’Onofrio pick his top 5 movies of all time?

Because usually those messages are explicitly in reaction to movements like this. Quit with the “But what about MEEEEEEEEE?” coat-tail riding.


...which you rushed to the internet to publicly declare, in a pique of irony.


Except for the fact that it wasn’t followed up with, “Jesus Christ, Al!” but instead with a lame deflection.

How do you earn more in a month than you earn in five weeks?

For the love of God, FuriousGorge!