Because the Gawker Media Empire™ believes that having all their featured comments be trolling fosters a robust commenting community despite that being fucking stupid.
Because the Gawker Media Empire™ believes that having all their featured comments be trolling fosters a robust commenting community despite that being fucking stupid.
Don’t Buy an Echo
Don’t Buy an Echo
And a lot of bullies HAVE been snatched and slammed against the wall. That’s one of the reasons kids become violent and cruel to begin with.
You’re imagining just one small sliver of what bullying is like. It’s not just getting a black eye and having your lunch money taken. It’s rumors and insinuations and lies. It’s taunts from groups of kids on the bus. It’s having your books knocked off your desk as people walk by. It’s racial, ethnic, and sexual…
Man, all you people with all your horror stories about being surrounded by terrible people at the movies. I almost never have that experience.
Jesus man, are you the kind of person who needs “Satire” tags on their Facebook feed?
Because Jezebel loves celebrities. That’s, like, feminism, right?
Sometimes I think, “Were we overreacting to the Gawker Media Empire™
absorbing AV Club?” and then I am again reminded that trolls having the top comments aren’t a bug of Kinja, they are a feature.
I’m glad someone is making sure tour guides are making sure their audiences know which houses are really haunted. It would really hurt their integrity to do otherwise.
Shouldn’t this be in Kevin Pain’s Gawker Media Empire Food Network™?
I guess the full Gawkerfication of The Root is inevitable.
Publishing leaked video of someone’s wedding reception is fucked up.
This is karmic retribution for everyone making such a big deal about celebrities dying in 2016.
When have Q&As ever been intended to be definitive?
These are quality stats.
When the Gawker Media Empire™ starts having the same commercials as the Old People stations on TV…
When the Gawker Media Empire™ starts having the same commercials as the Old People stations on TV…
You ever mix up your checks to the gas company and the electri company? I have and the companies and the banks don’t care who a check is made out to.
Same reason my sister and I would both get in trouble. “Stop hitting your brother. Stop instigating with your sister.”
Yup, those are absolutely the only two options!