…just before he pretended to throw lightning bolts at Andy Serkis covered in ping pong balls.
I think Tom stopped reading the AV Club comments after Univision bought Onion Inc.
Can you see the curvature of the earth from Burj Kalifa?
Whelp, you guys have hit Arrested Development, Nic Cage, Simpsons, Jerry Seinfeld… I guess I'll just leave.
Well played, Clerk.
Old man yells at clouds of stage fog.
Aw, 4 was good, too!
We all know Gerard Butler's career is doing okay, but what this video presupposes is: maybe it's not?
STD to THPS: $$$
Would you care to join the creative team for RC Pro Am: The Musical?
Singer, ninja, and turtle!
You guessed it: Frank Stallone.
She was much much less plastic surgery-y in 1997.
I whitelisted AV Club on Adblock because they guilted me.
Well, I clicked it. Turns out it is a consultant that advises beverage startups. Their clients include Golferaid, Fru Zinga, and Neuro Sun and it is apparently not some sort of elaborate joke.
Bees are a hoax perpetauted by the chinese.
Correctin: Not #Sad!, that was just out of habit, and Im not allowed to deleet tweets anymore.
There's a great new movie comming out with my very good friend Bill Shatner He has always been a great inspiration to me. #Sad!
I've been hoping to see him work with Sean Connery.