Son of Neckbeard

At least we got another picture of a pretty lady.

David Simon Porn:

I was saying sue-urns.

Stefan says this precinct has it all …

… twenty, twenty-one, to your mom

I'll admit that the original Elm Street scared high school freshmen me witless. Never could abide horror/slasher movies, but a girl was involved in that viewing. Did not get her and lost days' worth of sleep. Stupid movie.

No. We'll have to Docker your upvotes by a few thousand for that blunder.

Levi Ms. Carey alone, @Weasels Ripped My Flesh:disqus.

Well, who doesn't want to cast the star of Glitter?

But Rudee can't fail.

Even for a talking mule, Francis has crossed a line here.

When I read "Cool Pope," I expected a Newswire on Scandal's Olivia Pope.

Sounds like a Big Lebowski prequel/Miller's Crossing sequel.

I'm old, white and dangerously unhip. How does one pronounce "A$AP"?

It's hella wish fulfillment for us gingers. Just look at that header pic. Yowza!

You know we'll bladder on and on.

No need to get testes.

A vas deferens separates public matters from pubic concerns.

Who'd even glans in Mushroomhead's direction?

Fine. Call it slaughter weight value adjusted for the tare of psychological baggage and emotional scars.