Son of Neckbeard

Dystopian Philadelphia equals All-the-Time Philadelphia.

Louisa May Alcott's The Little Thing

"Name's Jo. Short for 'Jo ass is mine, muthafucka!'"

Angry loners, alcoholics, the unemployable … Like @candyoh's grandmother.

Has Buckwheat been shot?

Whoopi! A pun thread.

No offense to Joy Behar, but Joy Behar embodies literally everything terrible about daytime television — unfunny, uninformed, unenlightening, grating, garish.

All South Asians look alike asexual.


Take it from someone with personal experience: You can only reboot a head so many times before the whole things just turns into a mess.

A paid subscription is required for Amazon Prime. Split a hair and call that a cable TV model, folks would still pay to put money in the pocket of a jackass.

Joke's on the audience, really. Putting Top Gear: Second Gear on what amounts to pay-per-view makes me recall this couplet for Elvis Costello's "Man Out of Time":

Go back to Norway, Welcome to Sweden!
— American public high school graduate

Not even Killer Mike as the Cowardly Lion? How about biracial Canadian Jew Drake as the Horse of a Different Color?

MC Serch from 3rd Base as the Scarecrow or GTFO!

"Model Wars" happen when military miniatures enthusiasts meet in one of the public library's smaller conference rooms every other Sunday afternoon.

These morning show host certainly put the "sac" in "Sac-Town."

Interviews like this are exactly why Paul Rudd always has that Mac & Me clip cued up. Don't just say "fuck off" to the clueless host; show "fuck off."

Or Fuller House as Hugh Laurie marrying a feeding fetishist.

Billionaires — yes, the Olsen twins share a net worth of more than $1 billion — should not work.