Son of Neckbeard

All ways leading, of course, far away from guys like us.

Like a painting come to life and then improved upon.

Were I a supervillain, I'd also have a beautiful henchwoman.

@oddfuturewolfgangpauli:disqus has obviously never watched the anti-concert piracy special episode of What's Happening?.

I bet none of them are actually brothers, either.

*scratches bit about Sam the Butcher slipping Alice the Housekeeper free sausage from follow-up set*

I'll not be satisfied until all New England Super Bowl victories are vacated and the NFL folds for the good of America.

Grassy Knoll is one of the lesser-known Decepticons.

Duhamel's head could play the Cadillac limo.

I accept the Jagger/Richards conclusion on who killed the Kennedys. After all, it was you and me.

Lot of recessive genes expressing themselves in that guy.

The Welsh are revolting!


Say what you will about Lyndon Johnson; he had an enormous schwanzstucker.

Better: Bill Pullman joins the Johnson administration as Daryl Zero to solve the Kennedy Assassination.

Hay! That's oat of bounds.

Mulaney's only fault was being terrible.

His native South Carolinian?

Few shows are more difficult to masturbate to than The View. Even Clifford, the Big Red Dog is more erotic and titillating..
