Fudd? I thought they took that off the market after all them hillbillies went blind.
Fudd? I thought they took that off the market after all them hillbillies went blind.
*every Homer Simpson quote ever*
"Specious" points to merely lack of support for a belief, while "truthiness" points to faith as the sole arbiter of factualness.
Newspeak is such a double plus good topic.
I don't know about going full gay for Rudd. I'm just pretty sure I'd enjoy caressing his buttocks is all.
Tina would love to touch Paul Rudd's butt.
"Tina" = "I"
Such venom …
Let a man edit. Sheesh.
Big spider are all females. Shouldn't we be talking about Petula Parker?
Quality and box office aside, maybe Marvel just figured having a guy named Webb handling the Spider-Man franchise was too on the nose.
Being Saul Hudson*
*Slash's real name
Have to figure George Harrison set the bar for rock stars underwriting movie productions when he paid to get Meaning of Life made.
Why's he talking shit about AVC?
I finally understand what "bust up a chifferobe" means.
*dons papier mache ham costume, begins reading*
No. This one was written by someone claiming to be Harper Lee's agent/literary executor.
Crimes against human aesthetics
Forget about it, O'Neal. Selleck's rebooting Chinatown
The TRUMP Ira Glass' This American Life Radio Hour, brought to you by BNSF Railways and David Koch
Will this keep Ira Glass off TV and film?