Son of Neckbeard

It also bears mentioning that Nietzsche argued that the death of God as the driving force for morals and science was scary and more than a little sad. He did not celebrate chaos and immorality. Instead, he wrote that such consequences were inevitable unless people figured shit out for themselves.

Had to figure God's Not Dead was pitched as a trinity.

I don't care how Christian Ms. Orrantia is. I'll continue having impure thoughts about her.

Thanks, man.

Sure. Ask pretty much any Fortune 500 CEO.

Big deal. I'd probably look really funny, too, if someone bothered to cut together the highlights of my life over the past 17 years.

Does Apple censoring Beats mean Tipper Gore and the Parents Music Resource Center won?

The mercury used in thimerosal is different from the kind that buids up in animal tissue. The preservative is nonreactive, meaning it does not stay in people. Plus, no vaccines currently used in the United States even contain thimerosal.


The problem comes down less to fear of mercury than the births of at least two generations of children who really did not risk dying or becoming disabled from vaccine-preventable diseases. How about we forcibly expose unvaccinated children to all the diseases? That should convert parents real quick.

How many lead paint chips do you figure anti vaxxers have eaten?

This show made viewers Illiad.

I thought the UN had outlawed watching Modern Family as a form of torture.

Beyondcé: An R&B Space Odyssey

"A five-picture mission to boldly go into the shitter."

The Trouble With Harry Potter

*joke about AVC carrying us stiffs for years*

Who let you in here?

*Sirhan Sirhan likes this comment*

People who use wallet chains should not gain admittance anywhere.